Kenton Pro CV to MIDI

Рейтинг: 5/5
Производитель: Kenton
Доступность:на заказ
18458 Р
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The Pro CV to MIDI converts analog control voltages into MIDI data. Besides pitch CV and gate inputs, the unit features two flexibly employable aux connectors. In use, the Pro CV to MIDI shines with excellent performance and high stability.
  • 1 V / octave, 1.2 V / octave and Hz / V modes
  • CV, gate and two aux inputs
  • A 16 bit A/D converter guarantees rock-steady pitches
  • Transpose option (+/- 12 semitones)
  • Editable pitch bend function (Range: Up to 48 semitones)
  • Gate input can process V-trig or S-trig signals
  • Aux inputs are able to work with CV, gate or trigger signals
  • Selectable controller number for the aux channels
  • Auto tune function
  • Fine tune and scale are adjustable using front panel buttons
  • MIDI DIN output
  • Selectable MIDI channel
  • Setups are stored in non-volatile memory

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